Sunday, March 25, 2007

Stargate - The End

Stargate has been going for a very, very long time now, and has finaly come to an end.

Its been 10 years, and in that time we've had ups and downs. The crescendo of the defeat of Anubis, the crushing depths of the Ori war...and the last episode.

The show ends with one of the best episodes they've done. Certainly top 5 - out of a 200+ episode run. It was well written, well acted and the soundtrack is the best I've ever noticed on an SG episode. "Have you ever seen the rain" - beautifully done. It managed to touch me, if no one else.

It does not run around, wrapping up whole plots as fast as possible. It doesn't include a huge dues ex machina (aka Admiral Janeway). It wraps up only a single - yep, only a small single plot, that's run since season one.

What it does do is say goodbye, with a tear in your eye.
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
Comin down on a sunny day?


Anonymous said...

Garr, I won't see it for ages so DO NOT SPOIL IT for me.


Born Today said...

It would be a very difficult episode to spoil - there are no HUGE suprises. Its about the people, not the plot.

Anonymous said...

How do I get to see this?

Born Today said...

Well, if you tell me what MM stands for, I'll work out a slightly more private way to tell you...