Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Does this make me evil?

While at work today, I was chatting to one of the girls from upstairs.

She tends to hang around the IT Team, while waiting for her mother. Which basically means she's hanging around about 2m away from me, so I usually end up being friendly. Because the alternative is just to be nasty.

Anyway, she was talking about taking her PGCE (aka teaching qualification) and commented to Andrew (one the several we have - there's lots here) that if he tried to talk her out of it, he'd qualify for a slapping.

So I promptly tried to talk her out of it.

Not because I really care, but...well...the idea of a 5ft, slim, (ok Helen, she is a cute brunette - but that's not the point) girl in silly shoes (2 inch heels with about 1 cm square of surface area per foot) trying to slap me was just funny.

I really wanted to see her try.

The odds of her not falling over her own shoes....

Does that make me evil?


Anonymous said...

That is evvvvvvvil !!!!!

Anonymous said...

he he he!