Sunday, July 20, 2008

I hold views

Now, you may (or may not, but I doubt it) have noticed that I hold Views.

Some of these are somewhat less then Politically Correct. But broadly, I believe in fairness - and that fairness trumps special interest.

However - and this is important - I am amenable to having my mind changed. If you can prove, with statistics and reasons I consider to be unbiased I'll freely change my mind. It has happened before...although if the source of your numbers is ultimately an organisation named "xxxx against..." or "xxxx yyyyy rights" or the like, you're going to have your work cut out for you.

But I will listen.

However, here's an example of someone I can't stand...a feminist. Now, feminists per se I don't have a problem with. In the past, they've had a point. They still may have one, in some areas - I remain Highly Unconvinced, primarily because they're only interested in one side of the coin. Women, rather then looking at everyone. (But that's a side issue).

Have a look at the site here....

Now, why do I bring this up? Because it's an example of the one sided nature of some single issue activists that just Annoys ME.

We have someone who's campaigning to have porn banned on the tube system....well, ok. But we're not talking about "porn" as most people would accept the term. We're not talking about images of actual sex, or even hugely revealing, A1 size pictures or posters used in advertising.

Nope, we're talking about such things as the page three girl. Not exactly hugely offensive.

But she wants it banned, because those evil men look at it.

But lets look at say, "Hello magazine", "Ok magazine", all the gossip and picture magazines....all these have photos of what I would imagine to be rather tasty young men, as well as all the gossip and "human interest" articles you could want to burn.

But apparently these are all right, because, well, it's for women, and not offensive. Nope, only men's soft porn must go...

And for added fun, here's a quote from the site that really pissed me off.

"Unfortunately I had to end the poll early, because a silly chap decided to put a link up on his blog and the poll was suddenly flooded with other silly people who decided to sabotage the poll."

Lets translate..."I put a poll on the site so that everyone who agrees with me can do so, but the minute someone disagreed and linked to it, I had to stop it. Because they were going to vote the wrong way."

If you're going to have a poll, at least have the guts to let people disagree. Continuing by deleting comments...

Even if I thought that her point had merit (which, in a limited way it might...I doubt it, but I can't rule it out) that alone is enough to say "Nope, ignore this".

Now, time to go comment there, I think...


Anonymous said...

you want someone to change your mind with some good argument and statistics, but it surely seems like you are trying to convince ours, but where are your good statistic and not "XXX YYY against, YYY website"?

ALso maybe correct your views... not all feminist are on the same level.

Anonymous said...

Too true - I read that website, and have not been able to stop myself from arguing back.

And for my trouble I have been ridiculed and belittled as I don't think that papers like the Star and Mail are porn papers but legitimate ones (albeit with questionable content)

Born Today said...


"you want someone to change your mind with some good argument and statistics, but it surely seems like you are trying to convince ours"

Because I'm willing to assume that I'm not always right, I tend to believe that others are willing to do the same.

Me converting you, you converting me - same coin, different sides.

"ALso maybe correct your views... not all feminist are on the same level."

You know, I could write a whole post on feminists...actually, see below...

But I agree, they aren't all the same. Some of them see men as people too. ;)

Born Today said...

Loralai - that is what happens if you disagree with feminists...well...militant ones who post on the internet.

First, if they can, they ignore you because you're a man and couldn't possibly understand.

Second, if you're a women like yourself, or a man who got past step one, they attack you directly.

But I'm tempted to go there myself and post....

Must resist...

Must res...

Oh, sod it...