Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A new definition of hell

There are many things in life that can make life hell.

People, places, disease...I've got a new one for the list.


Right now, we're re-doing the kitchen, the hall and stairs. There's dust, everywhere. Fine particles of the stuff sitting in the air. Small bits that stick to everything and get everywhere.

The smell of paint...paint everywhere. No where you can escape, there when you wake - there when you sleep. The headache that goes with paint...dull, constant and throbbing.

Right now I'm seriously considering the brothers offer of sanctuary at his for a few days. True, the spare room is a mess. True, I won't have my laptop or other bits. True, the cats run away and hide from you.

But relief from the smell...oh I'm tempted.


Anonymous said...

Well let me know soon - otherwise I won't clear the bed (which would take less than 2mins as its only ironing...)

Anonymous said...

Start clearing!