Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Minister for Women and Equality

Meet Harriet Harmon. She's the labour minister for Women and Equality.

Now, for the moment lets ignore the impossibility of being the minister for "Women and Equality" - how you can be a minister for a special interest group and for equality at the same

Lets instead look here. We have here the video of her proposing alterations to the current laws on murder and manslaughter in the UK.

First, we have her abolishing the current partial defenses that exist for men. Rage caused by sexual infidelity....well, if I came home to find the wife I loved having sex with another man I'm not sure I'd be able to just turn around and walk away. But no, that's got to go.

If a man has been nagged senseless for years - a verbal tirade, constant attacks and nagging continuing to the point of madness....nope, not a provoking factor.

Men are evil. Men should never be allowed a defense to kill a women.

But then....well, then we get to women. And here she establishes clearly her intention that a women who fears serious violence should always have the charge downgraded to manslaughter...and the example she gives is clearly premeditated.

What's so wrong with this?

Well, if you've gone far enough to plan a murder, why don't you report him to the police? Walk out the door? Tell someone?

What if it's just that - the fear. Fear might not be justified...ignoring the risks of say, mental illness...what if the fear doesn't exist? How the hell can you prove she was afraid? How can you prove "years of abuse"?

If you can prove it, the police will quite happily put him in jail. Present evidence to a magistrate and you will get restraining orders and a host of other aids.

But what if it doesn't exist? It wouldn't take much effort to create the image of fear. A few whispered words here, there...a few secrets between friends....or even lie to the court. A little decent acting...

My point is that while this Minister for "Equality" is removing a partial shield to one group, she's given the other side body armour and a helmet. Either Men and Women are equal in the eyes of the law.

Either killing your spouse is bad and wrong - or it isn't.

It shouldn't matter if it's a man or a women...either a defense is valid - or its not. But lets see what Harriet said.

"What we want is an end to domestic homicide and to intervene early to stop women being beaten and we want no excuses for men to say I killed her, but only because I loved her"

Balance excuses for men, but for gods sake help those poor, defenseless kitten- women.

Giving women a pass to kill men isn't right - but don't believe me. Ask Erin Pizzey, who founded the women's shelter movement in the UK. Of course, the feminists hate see, she has a pesky believe that women can be as violent as men.

My hope is that this stupidity never comes close to law. Killing is wrong, for most reasons. Handing out excuse card - bad idea.

And before anyone says the, I believe domestic violence is bad and wrong. There is rarely an excuse to kill those you love - mercy killings are another topic.

Women should be offered help to leave abusive relationships safely.

But so should men.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I actually believe and totally agree with you - there is no excuse on either side for this!