Saturday, November 8, 2008

Everywhere you go...

Up until now I've had no complaints what so ever with the weather.

It's been sunny and warm almost all the time - the worse was when it was misty and cool...which wasn't that bad.

But we decide to go to a museum - honest to good tourist behaviour - and it rains, and rains and rains.

The temptation to crawl back into bed...


Anonymous said...

I understand that there is a special operation available for people like you, that is a surgical amputation of the mattress from your back.
Apparently it is very effective with no lasting side effects

Anonymous said...

Why are you so tired? is it the thought of hibernating again? or maybe 2 many hours spent on the computer,or the gentle sport of playing tourist? or are the little ones keeping you awake?

In this world one has to be awake at all times to stop the little ones taking over full time...

Anonymous said...

since you was born your favorit sport has been egytian PT, what more do you expect?

Anonymous said...

ohhh he's had such hard days... I can count one days he stayed in pyjamas all day.. and some ive dragged him to a few classses we did one day of tourist stuff and not much of anything else. Maybe watching movies and playing guitar hero is exhausting.

Born Today said...

I didn't say that I did go back to bed - only that the temptation was there.

Anyway, sleeping can't be my favourite sport. There arn't any rules - and the Olympics committee don't recognise it!