Saturday, November 8, 2008

Quick post

Please note that the post mentioned below was finally published and is below this one. Don't ask me why...

This is not the intended post for today - but I'm waiting on a pair of photos before releasing the already written one - so this will have to do.

It's about fuel. In the UK we feel hard done by if petrol costs more then, say, £1/litre. Here, they are breathing a sigh of relief, now that prices have dropped below $1.20 Canadian.

Take a deep breath people.

Calm down.

It gets worse.

Prices are now about $0.90/litre in the morning here, which is about 45p. Hey - you at the back - stop frothing at the mouth.

Relax. Chill.

It gets even worse.

Because here there is actual competition for customers. Just in case you didn't know (as there really doesn't seem to be much of in the UK - certainly not from where I'm standing!) competition is where you lower prices and offer other incentives to come buy the fuel here, rather then over there.

But here? Here prices drop by the drops from about 90 cents in the morning to (lowest seen yet) 80.2 cents per litre. This goes on till the next morning, where it jumps up.

A bit.

This morning, I saw 82 cents or so - at 8am. That would cost me £18 to fill my fuel tank.

From bone dry. Compared to about £39.

Goes looking for some emigration paperwork


Anonymous said...

is that why your fuel tank is so empty, perhaps you will fill your suitcase up before you come home?????

Born Today said...

Drat, I knew I forgot to do something...

Anonymous said...

Petrol at morrisons is now £0:929 a ltr, do you want some in that funky little car of yours for when you come back, or do you want to see if the price goes back up again??????. Or maybe we should be booking tickets for a flight out somewhere???