Monday, November 17, 2008


Things that are missed...

As you might have noticed from some of the comments that have been left around here the expansion of the World of Warcraft has been released, again.

And, once again, I've missed the "fun" that this heralds.

No, really. "Fun" is appropriate.

Why do I say that?

Well, let's see. The first person to level from 70 to 80 (the new limit) did so in 27 hours.

Yep - that's right. They played for 27 hours, locked away from all normal distractions (like sleep, other people and sunlight) to obsessively level a character to the limit.

But where's the fun in this?

Or there's the queues...back in the "bad old days" on my server there used to be queues on a daily basis - and it wasn't fun. You logged on, having to wait 20 or 30 minutes to actualy get through the front door. Perhaps a hundred or two people...

Now it's simply madness. Queues of people seven hundred long just to log on. Having to wait so long that I could - yep, I, Me, the obsessive fan of long hot showers - could go for a run of a couple of miles, shower and get changed, make a cup of tea and sit back down at the computer.

And it still wouldn't be ready yet.

Or then there's the starting zones. Here again the problem is people. If you have a quest to kill Some-Nasty-Git, everyone will want to do it at some point.

Because it's the expansion there's hundreds of people wanting to kill Some-Nasty-Git at the same time. These people won't want to queue nicely...touched with the same madness that twisted the mind of the 27 hours guy, they will surge forwards to slay him as fast as possible themselves.

The result is chaos.

When I play a computer game I want to play it for fun. When I get back to England, the expansion might begin to be fun...perhaps.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...